{H} <Dojo> (Hyjal) 8/10M AOTC CN T/W 9P-12A PST

Kill all the things.

The SL comes for Dojo

New Video lets go

The video I think is a nice touch.

Multi Team CE lets do it.

Dont make oranges yet!

If you give me oranges I’m making juice not leggos.

Gotta use my multiple personalities to bump the post.

We bumpin’

Yeah we go bump in the night

Big effort required to attain bigger goals.

funtime bump

This guild is 9/10. Only because I was promised cookies but they were oatmeal with raisins instead of chocolate chip.

We will do betterer next time on the cookies

In that case 10/10.

Cookies do sound good though

I wasn’t promised cookies! I just came to kill baddies

I should get extra cause I didn’t even know they were on offer.

We smell. It’s because we never wipe.

Many good things come our way I just know it

Don’t listen to this guy, he is an impersonator, he’s good though.