Keep the momentum going
Still looking for greatness.
We have more bosses to smite.
Still looking for the best.
Make sure to kill sire your Glorious Leader needs the prog to help recruiting.
Lets kill the things.
We have the will do we have the skill?
Are you guys looking for a tank? If so, contact me sugarbearjon#1635
Possibly something we may look in to.
We are still looking for the best.
We must continue the search.
Gotta stay on it.
Finish the drill.
Lets just keep things going right.
Letâs get after it
Not stopping this train.
Letsssss GOOOOOOOO!!!
We have to keep focused.
201 enhance shaman and I have a friend who is a 200 ele shaman. were looking for a late night raiding guild. my btag is Bailsack#1502 chat with me if interested.
I added you on btag