[H] [Divine] 7/8M - ABT-CE - Tues/Thurs

Divine is a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to be a top Zul’jin guild. We are currently 8/8H and 7/8M in Uldir, got cutting edge in Antorus and are progressing quickly through bosses this tier.

Our guild is filled with great players always will help wherever they can helping you improve if needed. That being said we are serious about raid progression.

Raid Schedule

Tuesday 8-11pm Eastern

Thursday 8-11pm Eastern


Frost DK - High Priority
All other exceptional players

Keep in mind, all spots are competitive and all great players are welcome.

If you are interested, please post below or message one of the leaders listed below. Linking logs would be super appreciated!

If you have any questions, feel free to drop them here, or in a message to me or one of the other leaders.

www.wowprogress .com/guild/us/zul-jin/Divine

Thanks for considering us. We hope to see you soon!

Please fill out an application at divine-guild .com


Jamshot - Jamooka#1967

You can also message myself on Discord at Silence#3647.

Bump this thread.

bump this mofo

Bumping thread

Bumping with 4head.

bumping with tycs head

bumping with lust

Solo Tank bump

Wrong Solo tank don’t want anyone seeing that awful DH. BUMP

1 Like

where the tanks at


bumpin and thumpin

wow dude dope

Zul down! Two to go

wow great guild keep it up

Bumper cars

mythrax down

come apply!

ghuun prog tonight ez