Hey y’all! Long time WoW player here, been playing since late WotLK, on and off every expansion since then. I have raided at mythic level in recent expansions on holy paladin (most recently 1 boss from cutting edge in Castle Nathria in retail, due to guild disbanding before we got to it; most often purple parses and some orange parses for most bosses). I will be playing Discipline priest for WotLK with a shadow offspec, but will likely be keeping somewhat up to date with a holy/prot paladin alt as well.
I am looking to find a raid group mainly focused on progression, but that also knows how to take it easy and goof around outside of raid time and like to run dungeons. I work M-F 7-4 server so I wouldn’t be on during the day, but I have a large chunk of time outside of that to play. I am looking for 3 or 4 hour raids in the ballpark of 5pm-10pm server for sun/mon OR 12pm-12am fri/sat.
If your guild fits the bill and you’d like to get to know me more or give me a shot, reply to this topic, send me a message at PulsarKupo#1235 on battlenet or at Pulsar#2013 on discord.
Enjoy launch!