My name is setha. I’m a very skilled player looking for a 25 man mainly but open to do 10 man heroic/hardmode content. I’m looking to raid a minimal of 2 days a week, any day other then Thursdays (due to work) after 8pm server time. I’m planning on hitting 80 asap but aiming to hit it before Monday.
I started my career in wrath and did finish off strong clearing all raids in current content and in icc by killing 11/12 heroic icc 25 man and 12/12 heroic 10 man. I also done herald of the titan, firefighter and several other hardmodes. I just took a break from retail to play classic wrath. Usually cleared heroic raids and mainly only do high mythic+ keys.
If you have any questions you can msg me on discord anytime or in game. Usually on in game around 6pm server time.
Discord: setha#8392
Bnet: setha#1906
In-game: sétha (alt0233)