Diddy Kong Racing is a Horde guild located on the US-Mankrik server. We are looking for players that want to play in a relaxed environment that want to clear content in WotLKC. Clearing the raids (including Ulduar hardmodes, ToGC, and eventually Heroic ICC), running dungeons, and just generally playing the game (and other games) with a group of friends is the goal. Being social with all of our guildies is a big priority for us!
We have cleared everything Tier 7 related (Immortal/Glory, Vanquisher), looking forward to Ulduar!
We run 10s on varying days, so feel free to pop in and find some people to run with!
Raid Times
Tuesday/Wednesday 8:30pm-11:30pm EST (Mankrik Server Time)
We have been currently clearing our T7 25 lockouts in a night.
All that we ask is that you are prepared and capable of playing your character at a decent level!
Our loot system is a Loot Council following a ThatsMyBis priority list that is made from our raiders’ wishlist they create on the site. Priority lists will be allowed to be visible by everyone to ensure fair loot distribution. Loot Council will make decisions on loot based on viability for your class/role (we encourage our raiders to talk to us about your lists/loot), performance, and attendance. We plan to have a rotation of one raider in the council on a per week basis.
Recruitment Needs
Current Roster Needs
Death Knight - Frost/Unholy (High)
Druid - Balance (High)
Hunter - Any (Medium)
Priest - Shadow (Medium)
Rogue - Combat/Sin (Low)
Warlock - Aff (Low)
We are in need of more active players that would like to hang out! We are looking to expand our numbers and have even more people come hang out with us! Socials will, of course, have the option to run the raids if there are spots to be filled.
We are looking to have an active roster of around 30 in order to make up for any absences, so we are looking to bolster our roster! Bench does not mean “you don’t get to play”.
Hardlyderpin#1890 (Discord: Hardlyderpin#7208), any questions or discussion is welcome! Feel free to contact anyone online in the guild!