We are looking for players that want to play in a relaxed environment to clear content in WotLKC. Clearing the raids, running dungeons, and just generally playing the game with a group of friends is the goal. Being social with all of our guildies is a big priority for us!
We have experienced everything in T7 (Immortal/Glory), T8 53/54 before ToC, and T9 5/5H ToC with 50/50 clear!
Raid Times
Tuesday, Wednesday (25 Man Raid). 8:30pm-11:30pm EST/Mankrik Server Time.
10 man groups to be set up in-guild, or pugged if desired or time doesn’t allow! Need some more players who are down to run some 10s!
Be prepared to raid with gems, enchants, and consumables. Capable of taking criticism, giving criticism, and being a fun decent person. Be able to play your class/role at a decent level; we just want to be able clear all the content we can!
Loot System
Loot Council with ThatsMyBis wishlist and priority defined by the council. Raiders will make their wishlist, and the priority list will be open for everyone to see!
Factors that play into loot priority - attendance, raid performance, guild contribution, and attitude.
Currently Recruiting
Any exceptional DPS in general
Anything not listed would be “bench”, as we are always looking for people to just hang out and fill when able!
Currently we are in need of more raiders for our roster! Please note that we do bench simply so we have enough to fill every night without pugging.
Having a decent roster is the goal (~30), social players are welcome to fill in for raids!
If you have any questions, you can message us on Discord(hardlyderpin,Kokko503) or Battle.net(Hardlyderpin#1890,Kokko503#1594)!