[H] DH LF active/social mythic raiding guild

LOOKING FOR 7PM-11PM EST TIMES MONDAY THRU THURSDAY ONLY. these are the only times i will commit too. Will I stretch the 11pm? It will be situational.

MS havoc - ilvl 375
OS veng - ilvl 372

Hey there, name is Goodfella. This will be short and sweet since there will probably be interviews and trial runs.

I am looking for an active, social guild who also raids mythic as well. I love doing M+ when its guild groups, I’ve been pugging the past few days and its been a nightmare lol. I have 1/8M experience.

My raiding experience goes far back as the original MC. Took a 4 year break between Lich King and half of MoP. As far as the past 2 expansions, I have always killed a few mythic bosses in each tier however, never got close to CE.

Thank you for reading and hope to hear from you!

Are you looking for a CE guild? mythic progression guild? or Heroic Guild? xD

Our guild is located on Thrall. We are a heroic raiding guild only though, AOTC 8/8H Uldir currently. Still gonan farm Uldir until new raid tier. We are actually in need of more melee dps.

If you are intersted check us out: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/twisted-reflection-guild-recruitment

Or add Leens#11580