Defiant Brotherhood is looking to fill out a 20 man roster as we enter Mythic Castle Nathria. We are seeking highly skilled, dedicated, and mature raiders with a commitment to progression while maintaining an enjoyable raid environment for all members. Members are required to join Discord for voice chat during raids. You do not have to speak in Discord if you choose not to, but you must be able to listen. Being able to make both raid nights is a requirement for the core raid team.
We are in need of a few more DPS and possibly 1 more healer to field a 20 man team. Our recruitment needs can be seen below.
Class Needs:
Balance Druid: LOW
Mage: HIGH
Warlock: HIGH
Warrior: HIGH
Death Knight: MED
Rogue: MED
Priest: LOW
Shaman: LOW
Paladin: LOW
Monk: LOW
We are also looking for a hybrid class with a competent healing spec for when we need to push out those last few heals to secure a kill!
Raid Times:
Wed 7-10pm PST
Thurs 6-10pm PST
If your class is not listed above, and you are interested in this type of raiding environment and are confident in your performance, please do not hesitate to inquire. Recruitment is always open to exceptional players.
Please contact an officer if you are interested or would like additional info.
Bearhands (GM) wintersdance#1167
Ssrath (Raid Leader) mysticreaper#1256
Swiftkage (Healing Officer) Tarthibaim#1440