[H] < Dead By Christmas > 3/8M Recruiting!

We are < Dead By Christmas >. We are CE focused, two nights a week raiding guild looking for a few more people to fill in our roster.

Raid Times: Weds/Thursday 9PM - 12PM EST
Currently Recruiting:

Melee: Medium

  • Enhance Shaman

Range DPS: Medium

Exceptional applicants may still apply.

Who Are We:
A large group of friends who have continued to grow and challenge each other for almost 6 years. We are all competitive, driven and look to progress to CE in every tier. We are very active in the game, with a lot of high IO M+ groups, Alt Raids and Alt groups. Our raid environments are calm and casual, but our goal is progression.

Better come prepared to win or lose all the gold you have during breaks. We are also a community and play many other games together and active in discord.

What We Expect From Our Raiders:
Everyone is held accountable and held to the same standard. We are always trying to better ourselves and improve our overall performance. An excellent understanding of your class, talents and your role in the raid is required.

Come on time, prepared and with a good attitude.

We are all looking forward to hearing from you!

Contact on Discord//Bnet:
Dalhoosie #6719 // dalhoosie#1854
Pygrus #7508 // Pygrus#1565

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