[H] <Dark Society> Frostmane-US (8/10M)- Actively recruiting for Sanctum

Hello! We are community focused, 2x nights a week Mythic raiding guild, and the only Horde guild on the server group to have CN Cutting Edge.

You can find more details on our accomplishments here:

We are looking to bolster out our Core Mythic roster as we continue Mythic progress through KT/Sylv.
Our main raid times are T/Th @ 7pm PT for 3h. We also host Weekend raids for lower difficulty/alt runs, Movie Nights, and other community activities.

Keenly looking for Boomkin as well as Monk(BM/WW), Warrior(DPS), and DK(DPS). We are also interested in skilled players of any other class/spec.

Please feel to reach out to an Officer or myself directly through discord at Edain#5609 if you have questions or are interested. Alternatively you can apply directly here:


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might be looking for someone like me? I’ve been playing classic primarily for a few years so my recent raider io is garbage. priest/mage main since vanilla.

Please feel free to apply! We’re considering all candidates.

yo, i used to be in the guild when i was brand new to the game. had some decent purple healer parses last tier, while i was still actually playing. low kill counts, often overhealing most fights, and still performing well. i know it is short notice and there are never any promises, but id love to join if you will have me. i will have both a resto sham and a holy paladin, raid ready. the sham is brand new to me, but im definitely doing well in keys with her. just no raid healing experience with her. the paly i would consider to be my main. let me know if i can join, brother, i look forward to that sweet, sexy voice of yours again