[H-Dalaran US] <Midgard> Looking for heals + DPS

We are a growing Horde guild on Dalaran, US that formed back in 2018. We are currently 7/8 on Normal and 1/8 on HC!

Our raiding schedule at this time is Sunday + Wednesday @ 8:30pm and Tuesdays @ 9:30pm. Other than raiding together we also enjoy M+ and a few of us like to do PvP. For raids we do require everyone to be in Discord to listen to any instructions/call-outs.

We are not a hardcore progression guild by any means, but more so like to put an emphasis on having fun together. So that means we do take raiding serious and would like to get as far as we can, but we are also not a group that will be falling apart after wiping again and again until we get it right.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in feel free to add my Bnet snow#14458 or Discord snow#2620 and we can talk more there and I’ll try to also answer any further questions should there be any.

PS: don’t be shy even if you’re a new player or returning from a break.

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DPS we need the most:

Warrior (any spec), Death Knight (any spec), Hunter (any spec), Warlock (any spec), Mage (Frost or Fire)

After a couple of changes we do also need a few more healers, any are a go besides Resto Druid

:sparkles: bump bump :sparkles:

Hello… I joined and I was promised candy. I have no candy…