Monday/Tuesdays 9-12 pm EST.
Current Recruitment Priority -
If your class is low or no priority don’t be afraid to apply anyways, exceptions will be made for people who are a great fit with us!
High Priority: Ele/Resto Shaman, Kitty, Shadow/Healing Priest
Mid Priority: Boomkin, Warrior, DK
Low Priority: Rogue
No Priority: Tanks, Enh Shaman, Warlock, Hunter, Mage
New to classic? No problem! if you have a willingness to learn and take advice you’ll fit in here!
Curmudgeon is a progression focused guild looking to recruit very specific types of players to join our long term friend group with the goal of building a great foundation that will last beyond WoW. Our goal as a guild will be to create a group of self sustaining raiders capable of clearing all content while it is current, finish raid achievements for titles and mounts, and doing it as efficiently as possible.
We are a group that has been playing WoW on and off since vanilla and have achieved success throughout the life of the game. Much of our core has achieved kills in top 50 world guilds, Gladiator & Hero of the Horde titles, Every realm first raid title in the original Wrath, and CE from many of the most recent retail raid tiers.
Our raid environment can be pretty serious as we like to put our game face on come raid time. We set a fast pull pace so each raider is expected to come prepared and knowledgeable about your class and the encounters.
Most of us play more than just WoW and that will greatly benefit you for our group. We often have Movie nights, play a ton of League, POE, Halo, Tarkov ect.
If you want to learn more please message Rip, Winterfresh, or Myself @
Riprash#3894 On Discord
Winterfresh#1692 On
Winterfresh#7106 On Discord
Reapafied#1605 on
Reapafied#8935 on Discord