[H] <COZY> 10/10H 4/10M Looking for some Mythic raiders!


We are a group of players comprised mainly of those who have played together for some time on Classic Wow in a casual / semi-hardcore raiding guild. A smaller subset of us have played WoW together through its various expansions over the last 12 years. Together, we create a homey atmosphere where people just want to hang-out or play other games together, like Valheim, etc. We’d like to continue exploring the content this expansion has to offer, and so we’re looking for a few more knuckleheads to add to our dynamic so that we can progress through Mythic. While being top DPS is great, we also need players who can follow encounter mechanics, so if you enjoy smoldering in fire you may want to pass us up. Our raid nights are:

Thursday nights from 7PM PDT to 9PDT and
Friday nights from 7PM PDT to 10 PDT

We are currently 4/10M, 10/10H Castle Nathria. We are hoping to clear Mythic this tier as we flesh out our roster.

Our current needs and their priorities are the following:
druid (balance) - medium
hunter - medium
shaman (restoration) - low
shaman (elemental) - low
warlock - low

If you have any questions feel free to contact our recruitment officer on Discord at Skatha#2381 or Skatha#1826 on Battle.net.

Or, please check out our Discord at https://discord.gg/9t3Qcu8KaZ

If you visit our discord, please feel free to introduce yourself in the #recruitment section.

Thanks for reading!

Break me off a bump of that!

Who wants a bump?! THIS post does!

Not quite hump day, but still needs a bump day!

Things that go BUMP in the night.

Don’t hate me because I’m BUMPY!

10/10H Priest heals & fire mage, both 215. Looking to xfer to Mal’Ganis for mythic raiding opportunities. saw your post, days and times work well! Boomer#1219 battletag, ill add yours as well :slight_smile:

I like to buy one bump please.

Going once, going twice, SOLD to the bump in the back!

Who else is BUMPED for 9.0.5?!

I can’t make up anymore of these bumping post.

I do not wish to be associated with these two and their terrible BUMP puns.

NOW 2/10 Mythic! Get on board before our roster is full!

Come one, come all! (well, those who fit our recruitment needs, that is)

Need coffee. Bump!

What do you get from a pampered cow?

BUMPY milk?!

Come one, come (the classes who i listed above)! oh…btw BUMP

Prepare for Tier 2 now by joining our guild and getting to know our style so we can plow through new content together!