We are an active guild but are looking to grow that activity into 9.1 and beyond. With the patch growing in length, we are looking at ways to engage our community. We are working on Shadowlands raid and dungeon achievements and building an active community outside of WoW. Guildies are still pushing and working towards KSM, while others are taking a breather going into 9.1.
For the remainder of the patch, we will be moving to a Wed/Thurs 7:00 - 9:00 server time (CST) raid schedule. We will be focusing on getting new and returning players into heroic raid in preparation for the next tier.
Once progression starts in the next raid tier, we will add 30 min to the end of raid. We actively avoid trying to sit players, as our philosophy is that players cannot learn if they are not in the content. Players over progress. However, while we do try and avoid this, there are exceptions in extremely rare situations. We are a heroic guild that dabbles in mythic. We are not opposed to doing mythic bosses if and when the time is right, but at the end of the day, we are a heroic raiding guild.
Players are expected to be prepared, that being said, the guild supports players by providing feasts, cauldrons, enchants, etc.
We are a community of people who are looking to push content and have fun doing so. Zero tolerance for jerks and drama, so please act your age. We are all here to have a good time and treat each other with respect. With that said, issues pop up but we deal with them in a respectful and fair manner. This is only natural when you have so many people running with one another.
Accepting any class/spec; all we ask is that players try their best and are willing to learn.
Although we aren’t a PVP-focused guild, we have several players who PVP regularly and are always looking for additional guild members to join them.
If you have ever been afraid of attempting new or different kinds of content PLEASE reach out and see if we might be a good home for you. We are also looking for players who just want to be in a community. No one is expected to run any content they do not like. If you have ever thought about raiding or m+ but have been too nervous to attempt, please come join. We have an amazing group of players who enjoy running and teaching others.
Tigon7#1383 (Kegsherr, in-game)
KylaJargon#1403 (Kyteä, in-game)
Perseverance#1267 (Perséverance, in-game)
Muldred#1508 (Muldread, in-game)