Conflicted is recruiting for heroic progression through Shadowlands!
Currently: 7/10H | 10/10N
Conflicted is a semi-hardcore weekend night time progression horde guild on Sen’jin (connection realms include Dunemaul, Stonemaul, Boulderfist, Bloodscalp, Maeiv, Quel’dorei). We are focused on filling our raid team to clear heroic while also keeping raid nights fun and light hearted. We also enjoy PvP and mythic plus runs, as well as games outside of WoW.
About Us
Our leadership team is self-motivated, fun, and always looking to improve and advance ourselves as well as our fellow raiders. We come from backgrounds with various raiding experiences ranging from casual to hardcore raiders. Our raid leader and guild master both have mythic experience in Nya’lotha. The raid team as a whole is very laid back and fun to engage with. We consider ourselves somewhat of a family, as many of us have been playing together for years.
Our Goal
Achieve Ahead of the Curve then hopefully start progression in Mythic.
Who we are Seeking
Talented players who wish to take progression seriously while also not forgetting the real reason we play video games, to have fun.
200 ilvl minimum, with some Normal CN experience.
Working headset required.
Classes needed:
DPS Warrior, WW monk, Warlocks, and healers. (Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, or MW monk preferred)
-No drama
-Be on time with your consumable and enchants.
-Knowledgeable and competence with your class.
-Good attitude
-Ability to receive constructive criticism
Raid times:
-Thursday/Saturday 8:30-11:30 CST
Feel free to reply to this post, or message us in one of the following ways
(In-game names)