[H] <Classy> Recruiting All DPS Classes/Specs for Raids + All Roles for KSM! (9/10 H SoD!)

Hello! Classy is looking to recruit players for Heroic focused raiding and dungeons (all difficulties, including KSM) for Shadowlands 9.1. We’re currently 9/10 Heroic Sanctum of Domination, 10/10 Normal SoD and also obtained AOTC Heroic Castle Nathria.

Our raiding philosophy is simple: doing content and getting loot in a friendly, helpful environment and relaxed pace; it’s intended to be stress-free. Real life matters take priority, so we maintain a reasonable attitude about any work/school/family you may have. If you’re looking for a hardcore experience, you will not find it here.


  • Difficulty – We begin with Normal and then progress to Heroic once gearing requirements are met. Mythic raiding is an option if there is interest. Any Mythic attempts will be for the fun of it and not specifically for progression!
  • Raid Times – Currently, raid times are Wednesday and Sunday 6:00 - 9:00 pm. All times are server time (Pacific Time).
  • Members are encouraged to trade pieces they don’t need with other raiders via MS/OS loot rolls. An upgrade for someone on the team is an upgrade for the whole team! We use an add-on to assist with this, Personal Loot Helper, to streamline rolls and loot distribution.
  • We are currently open to all DPS classes/specs. Off specs for healers and tanks are welcome in case of emergencies and dungeons!
  • If you’re a non-raiding player, you’re welcome to join us as well. Most of us are experienced raiders and can help even the newest players advance in skill level. We’re constantly doing dungeons, pushing Mythic+, and world content as well. There’s even some masochists who enjoy PVP, apparently.


  • Respect – We’re (incredibly) LGBTQ+ friendly (proudly owned and operated) and don’t condone sexism/racism/etc. Don’t bring this into our guild.
  • Sociability – Raiding isn’t all we do, and we’d like to build rapport with our members. None of us – including you – should feel like you’re just here to fill a spot! We want to actually have conversation and fun in guild chat / Discord. Have personality!
  • Again, players with hardcore expectations or attitudes need not apply. Seriously, don’t be that person. You can be an excellent player and not be a jerk to others. It’s incredibly simple.


  • Patience – Not everyone is at the same level of experience or has the same learning style/pace. We do not support, condone, or practice elitism. (Though there is some playful banter thrown around)
  • Good attitudes – No one likes a Debbie Downer. Do not yell at, harass, or reprimand other players. Any perceived issues should be brought to the officers, and they will handle it.
  • Punctuality – No one wants to be held up! We expect raiders to be online at least 15 minutes before raid time with all of their consumables, gear enchants, etc. ready to go. Raider rank attendance is minimum 80%. Don’t sign up for something if you don’t want to honor your commitment!
  • Reliability is much appreciated. Again, we understand if something comes up, but please let us know in advance. We ask for four hours of notice - more if possible. Scrambling to find a replacement is both a waste of time and a hell of a gamble. We recognize that emergencies sometimes happen but, again, please don’t make a commitment if you don’t plan on following through.
  • Personal accountability – Mistakes happen, and being honest if you know you screwed up is much more admirable than staying silent or blaming others. Own up! You’ll earn respect if you don’t try to shuffle the blame. Please be prepared to research your stats, consumables, basic rotations, and encounters. While we offer more than enough support for players, it is up to each individual to ensure they’re contributing as much as possible to the group.
  • Communication – We use Discord for voice/fight explanations, mechanic call-outs, etc… A working mic is highly preferred, but not required. (unless you’re a tank or a healer!) Discord is also the primary source for guild announcements and updates - you’re not required to participate in the daily back and forth, but you are responsible for checking to make sure you’re up to speed with guild news and events.


  • Elitist attitudes/jerks – Nope. Nuh-uh. Bye Felicia. (It bears mentioning again) SERIOUSLY. We do the content we want at the pace we enjoy. If you’re not content running Heroic difficulty and M+ for the majority of a patch, then we’re not a good fit for you.
  • Immaturity - Granted, sometimes our jokes border on 12-year-old standards of quality, but we’re all adults and expect everybody to mostly behave like adults. Don’t stir up drama, be kind to one another, and don’t be a jerk to us or other players outside the guild.
  • Players looking to be carried – Experience isn’t necessary - we can learn as a group and help you grow as a player. However, everyone is expected to put in the effort into their class/spec/role, or you’re just wasting everybody’s time. We will not put up with players who want to show up when it is convenient for them and expect a free ride through whatever content we’re working on!


  • Beyoncé in-game, via in-game mail, or btag: ProphetFive[#]1343.

updated post with current info+needs