[H]Chicken Dinner Fri/Sat 7-11PST 3/8M

Chicken Dinner - Semi-Hardcore Raid Guild looking for like minded people Uldir. We are currently 4/8M.

About Us:
Chicken Dinner comprised of students and working individuals during weekdays. This is a drama free guild. We actively do Mythic Keystones and play a number of other games like LoL, Overwatch, PUBG and Steam Games. We hold a respective channel of communication in our guild. What makes us different is that we are comprised of skilled players, without the stressful atmosphere of a hardcore raiding guild.

How we evaluate a trial member or anyone in the guild for that matter are logs, attitude during progression and willingness to do what's best for the guild. Keep in mind, we do care about you. Real-life comes first and we understand. Just give us a heads-up. 360+ ILVL Required. Raid Experience a plus but not required.

Raider Expectations:
Mythic progression raiders are expected to regularly show up on time for the entire raid night (this is currently Fri/Sat 7-11); maintain a high, competitive level of performance, which includes good numbers and ability to do mechanics properly; maintain a courteous, respectful, and open channel of communication with all other raid members; be willing to sit out or be replaced if necessary; and more generally, act in the best interest of the raid and the guild.
New players and casuals welcome! :)

Recruitment Needs:
High Need for Bold Classes
Death Knight

Elemental Shaman


Come trial in our Heroic Uldir* on Wednesday 7pm pst/server
If you are interested, even if your class is not listed, please feel free contact us.

Raid Times:
Fri 7-11PM
Sat 7-11PM

Please add one of our Btags: dwang#1878, Toyola#1486, Lutalo#1490 and Swang#1521
Still need 1 Tank and a couple of Healers to replace our offspec tank/healers to complete our roster and push for M Antorus.
11/11 H. Still need 1 Tank and a couple of Healers to replace our offspec tank/healers to complete our roster and push for M Antorus. A few DPS spots are also open for trial.
2/11M. Tank and Healers still wanted to put offspec tank/healers back on DPS role.
Hello, please add me @ Exiled#11525 - I sent a request to the first btag listed assuming it was you.
Now 5/11. Healers still wanted to put offspec tank/healers back on DPS role. Range dps also wanted.
6/11. Tank wanted.
7/11. Tank still wanted.
8/11. Tank and range wanted.
9/11 still looking for a mainspec tank.
10/11. LF Mainspec tank.
LF Mainspec tank. Others also welcome.
Looking for more raiders to help fill spots to continue Mythic Argus progression. Want one mainspec tank and Rdps, others roles are still welcome.
Where did the name chicken dinner even come from? lol
It was from a few years back. Just of group of us started using it playing games( think while playing League)
11/11 M Argus! Recruitment still active. LF more for BFA.
Sent yall bnet requests, Mistweaver looking for home for BFA I took a break for Antorus and ready to jump into BFA hard and fast
Recruitment active. LF more for BFA. Tank trials welcome.
LF main tank(raids and M+ tanks). Others also welcome to trial.
hpally 346 lf a raiding guild would love to chat Jay#12817