Hi guys! <Chicken Dinner> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild focused on a friendly, competitive environment with a goal of earning Cutting Edge every tier and building a community. We began raiding at the beginning of Legion and made our way into Mythic quickly, and earned Cutting Edge for Antorus. Raiding is our main focus, but we also enjoy doing Mythic+ dungeons from time to time as well as playing other games.
You can check out our current progression and roster here:
Raid Times:
Wednesday (optional short farm raid): 7 to ~9pm PST
Friday: 7 to 11 pm PST
Saturday: 7 to 11 pm PST
Wednesday raids do not always happen and are usually there for the beginning/middle of the tier to do Heroic raids. This is usually used to get extra gear and sometimes gear alts. This allows us to have more time for progression during regular raid times.
We expect you to show up as much as you can. We understand that things come up, especially on weekends that might result in you missing raid from time to time, but as long as you inform the guild in our discord channel we will be okay with it. However, the officers do value attendance very highly, and if excessive absences are noticed then other players on the roster will get preference over you for a raid spot.
Our team is open to trialing any good/experienced player, but we do have some classes that we need more right now. These include:
- Warrior
- Rogue
- Mage
Please note that no player invited to the guild is guaranteed a permanent roster spot. Every player will be trialed usually during farm bosses and possibly during progression depending on the situation. This trial period can vary, but is usually about 2 weeks of raiding.
Here are officers/veterans you can contact for more information about the guild and let us know if you are interested:
- ShinyPants#12119
- dwang#1878
- Toyola#1486
- Lutalo#1490
Feel free to add and message any of us on Bnet!