< Celestial Raiders > on Mankrik is looking for strong players for our core Ulduar 25 man group. We are an adult raiding guild where many of our raiders have work/kids so our raid times are set a bit later than normal at 9pm to midnight server time. Our days are Thurs/Sun with Wednesday as a flex night due to work constraints, and our raid schedule is posted a full month in advance. We have completed all phase 1 content including OS 3D 25 in a timely manner, and are currently 13/13 Normal 25 ulduar with HM Flame Leviathan, Thorim, Freya, Hodir, Vezax, Yogg 1 light and XT down. In addition we are currently 9/10 HM 10 man with pulls on Algalon.
Our loot system is centered around a wishlist made by each raider on ThatsMyBis, where the raiders will set the priority of when they want to receive their gear. If it drops and you have the highest set priority you will win the item, or if it’s contested the raiders will have a simple roll off if they have the same priority set.
What we can provide for you:
- A laid back, friendly environment of like-minded people.
- Established guild leadership.
- Loot rules strictly followed to a T to all raiders.
- Weekly 10 man hardmodes, 1-2 groups every week
What we expect from you:
- Able to accept constructive criticism
- Constantly making an effort to improve your performance
- Consistent raid attendance
- A fair and friendly attitude to your fellow raiders
25 Man Raid days: Thurs/Sun (Wednesday flex day due to work constraints), 9pm - 12 am Server time (Eastern Time)
10 Man raid days: 1-2 groups a week, usually falling on either Tues/Mon, or Fri/Sat with 9/10 HM expected from each group.
Recruitment for Core raid spots:
High Priority
- Balance Druid
- Shadow Priest
- Affliction Warlock
Even if you do not see your class/spec listed, we encourage you to inquire. We are always looking for exceptional players.
Meldrem in-game or ZZSmokey#9990 on discord
Fastel in-game or Fastel#3799 on discord
Nadalee in-game or Nadaeria#9749 on discord