Fury/Arms Warrior on Thrall looking for a Mythic Raiding Team with the following expectations:
-Availability: Weeknights 8pm-12pm ET
-Raid team with dedicated folks who take the time to prepare outside of raid (people know their class, research logs for best setups and timings, etc)
-M+ players / groups are a bonus
I switched toons halfway through CN because my guild needed a warr (from holy priest, geneforprez-Bleeding Hollow). I found an awesome guild that was on Sludge and we got our CE two weeks ago (giving me kills on first and last 3 bosses). This week they informed us folks were taking a break in 9.1 and they would not be raiding as a guild anymore. I have a few others that are looking as well.
You’ll see in my logs I have some fights where I was free to smash things and some fights where I sacrificed logs for mechanics, etc.
I have previous mythic raiding experience (6/8M Uldir, CE BOD) before taking a break when my son was born. After that my schedule only allowed for doing M+ which I pugged to 3k in S4 of BFA. Currently >1600 io in Slands S1.
Currently LF DPS Priest/Druid/War for Sanctum!
Good luck in your search.
Guild & Server: [H] After Work - Mal’Ganis Raid Times/Days: Wednesday & Thursday 7-11pm Central Current Progression: 10/10H 10/10M 12/12M (US 243 Wowprog) Discord Contacts: Oba#3148 or Keef#0760 Application:http://bit.ly/AWappS Wowprogress:https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/After+Work Requirements: Big brain and a good attitude
Hi Genekeen!
We are a 1 night/week guild on Thrall (Horde). Raiding Tuesdays from 8:30pm-12:30am EST. We are currently 8/10M CN and got CE on Nyalotha. We are looking for dps for the next raid tier and think you would be a good fit. Please reach out to Hirn (Hirn#1181), or Mauds (Maud#1874). You can also apply at Hootenanny.fun