[H] <Caustic> 8/8M M/W/Th 8-11 EST

Caustic is a 3 day, 9 hr/wk guild on Illidan. We are looking for experienced mythic raiders who are seeking a long-term home. The leadership of this guild has been the same since early Legion, so if you’re looking for a stable home with a group that knows how to have fun while killing bosses, you’ve come to the right place. We are looking for like minded individuals wanting to progress on Raz and strengthen our roster for 10.1.


  • Monday (for CE only), Wednesday & Thursday
  • 8:00 to 11:00 EST

Guild info: ‹Caustic› @ Illidan (US) - Guild Profile (raider.io)

Recruiting needs:

  • Tank: Any
  • Healer: Evoker | Druid | Paladin | Shaman
  • Melee: Demon Hunter | Rogue | Monk | Death Knight
  • Ranged: Mage | Warlock | Evoker

Solid attendance, mythic experience, and the ability to fit in are highly valued.

Apply today at forms.gle/t43jCmuGVwZqoXFDA

Contact us:
Humppers (Hump#1116) Bnet | (Hump#7685) Discord


I need a DH to replace me so I can play the next fotm spec please (:

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I need a balance druid buddy ):

To the top, we’re in phase 2 intermission. Looking to improve roster going into 10.1!

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Need healers so I can sit dathea reclear

Got CE, looking for a warlock and solid players.

Looking for ranged and a healer… maybe a rogue.