[H] Casual Raids LFM, mythic soon

EDIT: We are now 7/9H, with Blockade almost downed! Will be doing H Jaina prog this coming week most likely, still need numbers to begin mythic until cross-realms open!

EDIT 2: Blockade down 8/9H, now doing prog on Jaina and trying to fill out our mythic raid team! Need a few more DPS, mages especially, and maybe a dual spec’d healer!

[Open Source] raids from 6pm-9pm pacific, Tues/Sunday. We’re a small guild with a few devoted raiders, trying to pick up some new players to work with!

Currently our raid team is only about 8-12 players, so all roles are open for recruitment. Healers are already pretty set, but we’ll still consider any applicant (having a DPS offspec is a plus).

We’re progressing on H Mek at the moment, though a few of our raiders have pugged further into heroic, and we typically host a mythic raid for a Champion kill some time each week.

If you’re apprehensive about being able to hang with us, don’t worry! We actively try to help out any straggling or new members to try and keep everyone up to snuff for raids, and we have no problem teaching any new raiders about how to execute the fights.

The best way to contact me is send my character, Dairyderk-Maiev, in-game mail, or you can add my bnet tag: TheSpacemang#1161. Julaudette, Tychee, and Railmech are also officers in the guild that you can contact. See you soon!