(H) Casual guild LFM do stuff with

I posted in the recruitment section also.

Compulsion is a guild created by one of my rl best friends and is looking for more dedicated casual players who want to just play and do stuff together on aerie peak horde side.

We are just a few people currently but want to see if can get 20 or even 10 people wanting to run old content achieves or even warfronts and islands each week.

Very laid back and mature looking for like minded people to help make a decent guild where we can play and get all the weekly stuff done efficiently and also mount farming or guild achives which take 10 guildies to even do.

We have a nice discord and are very active and expect people to be also. Alts are fine and lower levels as long as are working on stuff and we will help with whatever you need.

Prefer mature older or experienced players but will take newer players and take them under our wing so to speak.

Would love players who enjoy tanking or healing because theres always a need for those specs even for older content.

So if you want to be a part of a decent guild a do guild runs and farming stuff and achievement hunting shoot us a message and we can get started!

Tamsi (officer)
Stonner (gm)
Autumnwillow (with a fancy A 0192 code)

Or /who compulsion
