[H] Canned Bread, better than sliced!

Greetings folks of Grobbulus! A few friends and I have recently formed a guild in preparation for Cataclysm, and I was hoping to drop some information here incase anybody was interested in finding a group to join before launch day!

We’re Canned Bread, and we’re looking to be a laid back all-content guild! This means we have no one direct focus and would like to dip into everything the expansion and game has to offer. We’re currently small and all new to the server, so we’re going through all the leveling pains together, but ideally we’d like to get at least a 10-man raid team formed up (schedule TBD) as a starting point. If numbers allow, we may expand, or if we really explode somehow then perhaps multiple teams. It all depends on the drive of the people involved and exactly how many people there are! We’re also a fan of PvP, so you can expect some wPvP shenanigans as well as arena team formations and hopefully some rated battlegrounds as well!

Outside of the typical end game content, the core group who formed the guild also consists of long-time roleplayers, and some former RP vets as well, and while we may not exactly be pushing an RP agenda and running events, we’re definitely no strangers to the aspect and are more than willing to sit down and spin a few tales with any interested parties!

Everything we have here is hot out the oven and ready to be molded as our guild expands, but the core of the guild is that we’re here for whatever you want to do. If you’re needing some new friends to hit the new world with, then Canned Bread might be the right place for you!

Feel free to hit me with any questions/concerns and I’ll be happy to provide any other details I may have missed, we also have a Discord server made that I can hand out on request, so feel free to reach out on Discord to Kannash as well.

Slowly but steadily we’ve acquired a few new members and begun to grow. We just purchased our first bank tab due to a generous donation from one of the new folk, and also finished designing our tabard! Pre-patch starts in a few days and a handful of us are going to be rerolling new characters when the new class/race combos come out so it’s a perfect time to join and hit the leveling grind with new friends!

Hope everyone is enjoying pre-patch, or what of it you can with all the issues it’s been having! We’re persevering in the can, and making the most of leveling now that a few of us have rerolled. Still looking for more friends to fill out the ranks so we’re able to jump right into content once Cataclysm fully launches! Feel free to reach out to us in game or over Discord if you have any questions or are interested!

I added you on discord

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Under two weeks now until the launch of Cataclysm! The guild is steadily growing and we’re around 30 members now. People are having a good time leveling and finishing up prep, and thankfully a lot of the bugs have been taken care of so it’s looking like smooth sailing from here!

We’ve started to line up our raid rules and ideologies, but the schedule is still up for debate as we finalize how many folks we’ll end up having and how big of a raid size we’re going to run once we settle into the expansion, so it’s still a great time to join up if you’re trying to find a home for PvE content!

Same goes for PvP, as a handful have expressed their desire to do RBGs and the higher levels in the guild have begun participating in some wPvP as they go about their business. If you’re looking to fight for the Horde we may be a good place to raise the war banner, so reach out today!