Who we are:
Canadian Bacon is a super casual, small guild, recently created by some old, retired raiders who have returned to the game. Most of us have played together for over a decade. We’re busy adults, with work, kids, school, etc., and don’t have a lot of time for anything super competitive.
What we want:
We’re looking for some more like-minded folks to play with. We’re all really easy going, our expectations aren’t high, we know that RL is a bugger and sometimes logging on just isn’t going to happen. No harm, no foul. Right now, we’d like to find some more folks to fill out our roster so we can do mythic dungeons more consistently. Maybe down the road we’ll raid, casually, again. We’ll see.
We’re a great place for people who aren’t interested in any additional pressure. If you just like to level alts, that’s cool. Just want to farm, knock yourself out. If you’re curious about dungeons or pvp, but have been anxious to try on your own, no one here is going to yell at you or kick you from anything. We’re happy to teach and help out. Honestly, since many of us have just returned, we’re still learning the new ins and outs too.
Our Expectations
We really have none, aside from be nice, be respectful, be patient with each other. We don’t expect anyone to run dungeons or pvp or raid. If you want to hop on in the evening to do a few mythics, that’s fantastic, but if you’re not up to it, no one is going to be mad about it. Our goal is to foster relationships, make some new friends, and just have some laid back fun with the game.
Most of us have done the hardcore raiding at some point and we’re simply not in a place to do that right now, nor do I think any of us would want to again. We’re not a good place for people who want to raid or push high level keys or pvp competitively. But if you just want to casually play the game at your own pace, then we’re probably a good fit for you.
And no, you don’t have to be Canadian to join.
If you’re interested, feel free to whisper Osmia, Tahrna, Sarean, Growlerz, Mattaera, Alces, or Kheyli for an invite. Best time to reach one of us is in the evening.