[H - Caelstrazs/Nagrand - OCE] <KUSHIELS SCIONS> 8/8H EP LF Mythic Raiders!

<KUSHIELS SCIONS> :warning: LF Mythic Raiders :warning: 8/8H The Eternal Palace

[H- OCE] Caelestrazs/Nagrand GMT+10
RAID TIMES - Mon & Thur 8.30pm - 11pm Server Time

We’re currently looking for like-minded and skilled raiders to complete our Mythic team for The Eternal Palace.
Our team consists of dedicated raiders who love to have FUN while progressing through content in a drama-free environment.

ALL CLASSES & SPECS WILL BE CONSIDERED as we have flexibility to mix things up with our current raid makeup for the right candidate.

Please PM the following officers for more info:
