(H) CAEDAS Recruitment 7/8H

1 sec ago

We currently Raid 2 nights a week. Tuesday and Thursday . We start at 5 server and raid for 3 hours. We are a progression guild. We just have grown out of the 6 to 8 hours of raiding as we all have are everyday lifes. If you like what you see hit a giuldie up .

THE CREDO: Caedas has been around forever, as far as video game guilds go. Nearly 10 years now. The reason we've persisted so long is that we have a simple, easy to follow, rule that everyone in the guild has taken to heart: don’t be a %#%#*@@*.

We regularly get down content at a rapid clip, focusing on completing Ahead of the Curve every tier (100% since re-forming in WoD) without the added pressures and time demands that a dedicated mythic guild requires.

Our raids are two nights a week (Tuesday and Thursday) from 8-11PM Eastern Time [5-8 server].

We want players who will be fun to raid with. No edgelords, LBGTQ friendly.

We use DBM and Discord, and strongly encourage use of GTFO.

Contact: in-game Sunesi#1405, on Discord: Sunesi#1793 You can also /WhoCaedas

As of 10/16/18, we are 8/8N, 7/8H and seeking strong DPS. As always, flexibility in spec is a plus, though we currently have solid tanking and healing