BUMPERINO. This is a cool guild and you should def app
Bump for Shadowlands!
Bump still looking for more!
Bump for more peeps for nathria
Need hunter ?
bump it up
we are interested yes, we saw your app if you want add me Holytoots#1719 and we can discuss more.
Bump it up
Wondering what you are looking for?? I have a ilvl200 Prot Pally, 180 SPriest, gearing up a mage now… .plus I have a friend with a ilvl197 dps monk, he has a ok geared mage, and he’s gearing up a demonhunter now…looking for raiding guild that raids…
Bump for more!
Bump to the top!
bumpin it up! LFM still!
Bump for more
Bump for 5/10 mythic
Hello there, bumping for vision
Hi there! bumping!
Bumping for Sun king kill
bump for more peeps
bump for more healers
Bump it up! LFM still!