Button Mashers (Mal’Ganis-Horde) Currently 10/10H and 8/10M
About BM:
Button Mashers is formed behind the desire to progress at a competitive level on a reasonable raid schedule. We try to maintain a tight-knit feel between our members. The large majority of our core have raided since vanilla/BC and most of us have been playing together for years. Our raid atmosphere is pretty light and generally really entertaining as long as people are doing what they are suppose to be. At the end of the day we are here to have fun and kill bosses!
Raid Times:
Tuesday: 8 – 11pm EST
Wednesday: 8 - 11pm EST
You can view our current progress as well as some videos of our kills here:
Raid History:
CE in Uldir and 8/9M in BoD during BFA:
Top 20 server during WoD: -www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Button+Mashers/rating.tier17
Top 200 US during MoP: -www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/korgath/Button+Mashers/rating.tier14
Tanks - any
Melee DPS - DK, Warrior
Ranged DPS - Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Lock
We expect everyone that applies to fully understand the mechanics of their class.
Please apply here:
Please feel to contact any officer in-game or via discord ((btag // discord))
Shins#1613 // Shins#9235
Club#1123 // clubnp#1359
FelicisFelix#1263 // Felix#3254
HolyToots#1719 // HolyPP#1587