Busch as a guild is dedicated to clearing content while maintaining a casual and respectful atmosphere. Occasionally referred to as a “dad guild”, we do not shy away from that title. Most of our members are mature players that have learned how to balance life and raiding atmospheres. If a casual atmosphere that still clears content fits your needs, Busch may be the place for you.
Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 7-10 PM server time, with the potential of weekend raids for alternate/old phase content
Immediate Needs: Affliction Warlock
Also Recruiting: Resto Shaman, Healing Priest (Holy or Discipline), and one of Hunter/Warlock/Mage
Other Options: If you think your attendance could be spotty, we also have openings for a bench or substitute role that could be a fitting option for those that still want to see the content but cannot fully commit.
Loot: We use a priority loot list system organised through Thatsmybis. We feel this system is transparent and puts loot in the hands of the raiders.
Contact: If interested, please feel free to reply here, contact Dyed in game or on Thunderfury discord and we can try to make something work.