[H] <Brotocol> Cho'Gall | LF Resto Shaman & MW Monk for 9.2 CE - Tues/Thurs 8pm to 11pm EST

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You forgot to mention dad jokes, my dear.
But on a serious note, quality people. Give them a looksie :slight_smile:

Thank you Catarinya :slight_smile: I don’t recognize the name, but I appreciate the vouch.

Just another short term DH
I’m happy you guys have had success in raids! I’ve been checking every so often.

Well I appreciate the kind words!

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Bumping again

Good morning world! Great day to join a guild!

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Bumping up the jam

This is another bump so people will see my post

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Tell me more about this shaman…swing… :thinking:

Hey Wind! Yeah we’re looking for a shaman capable of playing a dps spec, as well as heal when needed! Let me know if you’re interested!

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Pushing this one uppp

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