[H] <Booty Runners> is recruiting!

Guild Name: <Booty Runners>

Guild Type: Raiding/Social

Recruitment Needs: We are currently looking for any and all roles to fill out our raid team. We prefer raid ready players but more then welcome and will help out players that are getting close to 60 and not yet attuned. Socials are also more then welcome to join.

Raiding Hours: Tuesday and Saturday 6-9pm PST are our planned raiding days and times;

About Us: We are a group of friends who met in the game in another guild that decided to look for opportunities elsewhere. All members have 1/1 - 10/10 raiding experience. After a few very successful PUG MC runs we decided to just start our own guild and welcome everyone to join it. Our loot-system that will be used once we have a full guild raid team is a fair-minded Loot Council where fairness and transparency is key. All of our members are willing to help you get your attunements. We really are an all around helpful bunch of folks.

We are currently doing PUG runs for Ony every Tuesday @6PM server and MC every Friday @6PM server until we are able to get a full guild raid going. Message a member of for a discord invite, if you are interested in joining and/or want to see how we work in a raid.
And always,
Please feel free to contact Thailerwar or Allynuno in game
or Bnet friend us at – Danne#1570 and Loolie#11124

We look forward to hearing from you.