[H] Booty Bay Yacht Club is recruiting! 1-night raid guild!

Booty Bay Yacht Club
1-night raid guild!
Sunday’s 8est - 12est

[Horde-US] 10/12 Mythic

Azeroth’s most prestigious and luxurious Yacht Club only reserved for the refined elite. We’re currently looking for exceptional players of all roles for Shadowlands!
We are a moderately casual crew that still raids seriously. Many raiders previously from top 200 guilds that have also played since Vanilla and TBC.
We are a perfect fit for casual players that want to play competitively for 4 hours, as well as hardcore players that might raid during the week but would also want to raid on another character on Sundays.

We raid 4 hours per week on one night, currently 10/12M with progression on Mythic Carapace.

We are open and willing to players from other realms to apply, if you find you enjoy our group we strongly suggest transferring to push mythic with us! We supply all consumables aside from dps potions, this includes flasks, food, oils, and respec codexes before each boss.

Please feel free to also post here or add Mashanu#1924 in-game for more info.