Just started a new project 70 guild with some friends. If anyone is interested, let me know: clangnbang#11886
The Rules and Guidelines of Project 70
Character Creation
Pandaren are banned
Goblins are banned
Worgen are banned
Monks are banned
Death Knights are banned
All other class/race combinations are okay
Travel: Mounting
- Prior to Level 40: No mounting whatsoever. This includes the heirloom mount.
- At Level 40: You may use/train Journeyman Riding (100% Ground Mount)
- At Level 70: You may use/train Expert Riding (150% Flying Mount). You may also use/train Artisan Riding (280% Flying Mount).
- Master Riding (310% Flying Mount), Flight Master’s License (Azeroth Flying), Cold Weather Flying & Wisdom of the Four Winds are NOT allowed in any circumstance. If you accidentally train any of these, contact an officer immediately.
- Utility Mounts (repair mounts, passenger mounts, water walking mounts etc) are completely banned. If seen on one, you will be kicked from the guild.
Travel: Portals & Zones
You may take mage and world portals freely, with the following exceptions:
- Dalaran portals are banned.
- Tol Barad portals are banned.
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms portals are banned.
- ALL portals to zones not available in The Burning Crusade are banned.
Do not travel to any zones outside of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland. This also includes level 80+ Cataclysm zones (e.g. Twilight Highlands).
Leveling: Quests & Dungeons
Although the Cataclysm expansion completely overhauled the quests and zones in Azeroth, you may level up in them through questing as before. You may also enter and complete any Classic/TBC dungeon including the quests inside them.
- Heirlooms of ANY kind are not allowed. Do not create them, buy them, equip them, or use them. If you do, you’ll be kicked.
- EXP multipliers are not allowed. These include potions, Recruit a Friend etc. The only EXP modifier that is allowed is the WoW’s 13th Anniversary XP buff.
- You may not group with anyone outside of the guild.
- The use of the Random or Specific Dungeon Finder is not allowed. Only guild groups may complete dungeons.
- Boosts are allowed within the guild ONLY.
- You may choose a Class Specialization at level 10, and unlearn it at your will.
- You can select talents, except for the ones below.
- Ray of Frost (Frost Mage) is now a banned talent in raid content.
- Discipline Priest is now a banned spec in raid content.
- You may not use or purchase ANY PvP gear (including a PvP trinket) from any vendor!
- Raid Gear from non-TBC raids is not allowed! This includes Vanilla raids (Molten Core, BWL, AQ etc).
- 13th Anniversary World boss gear is NOT allowed.
- Armor Reducing Weapons are NOT allowed.
- Level 58+ vendor gear from non-reputation sources is NOT allowed (e.g. Badge of Justice gear). This excludes tier-set exchanges from raid tier items.
- Transmogrification is NOT allowed.
- You may enter Battlegrounds & Skirmishes at any level.
- Feel free to organise War Games between guild members at any level!
- PVP gear is NOT allowed.
Pets & Banned Spells
- Ray of Frost is NOT allowed. Please do not talent it. In raid content.
- Pet Battles are NOT allowed.
Professions & Trading
The Rules regarding professions:
- Inscription and Archaeology are NOT allowed!
- Do not learn Grand Master in any profession (375+). The TBC cap is 375 (Master).
- Do not learn or use any WotLK recipes/formulae. These are fairly obvious as they require WotLK materials (e.g. Infinite Dust).
- Epic and Rare gems are not allowed. Meta Gems ARE allowed.
- Do not use the Darkmoon Faire to level professions!
The Rules regarding trading:
- You may only trade with guild members.
- You can not accept ANYTHING from anyone outside the guild.
- If you think an item or material has not been legitimately obtained, report the person responsible to an officer.
The Rules regarding the Auction House:
- You Can only use the AH to Sell, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING
- You are only allowed to buy Classic/TBC materials for Professions.
- All crafted items must have been made by a guild member ONLY.
- WoW Tokens are NOT allowed to be bought/sold.
Level 70 Dungeons & Raids
- You may not enter any heroic or raid that you have not progressed to. This is discussed in the next section.
- No armor reducing weapons.
- No previous expansion raiding gear. (MC/BWL/AQ)
Heroics and Raids: Progression
In order to progress through the content of burning crusade you MUST follow the listed order below. Failure to follow this order correctly will result in a guild kick. YOU MUST KILL ALL BOSSES IN EVERY RAID TO PROGRESS TO THE NEXT
- Step 1: Heroic dungeons (optional) (5 man)
- Step 2: Karazhan (5 man maximum) - You must clear all of Karazhan with the exception of Nightbane to progress further. This includes optional bosses such as Terestian Illhoof, Shade of Aran, and Netherspite.
- Step 3: Gruul’s Lair/Magtheridon (8 man maximum)
- Step 4: Tempest Keep/Serpentshrine Cavern (8 man maximum)
- Step 5: Mount Hyjal (8man maximum)
- Step 6: Sunwell Plateau (8man maximum) PogChamp
- Step 7: Black Temple (8-30 Flex)
Original Idea: Liritoh, Rancexd
Rules: Officers, esp. Serendepitys
Write-up/formatting: Corndog/Serendepitys