We are a two night raiding guild, with an off night to bring in new players. Many of us are adults with families and full time jobs. We run a larger roster to cover any absences due to real life obligations. That being said we do require a decent raid attendance. If you have to miss for any reason we just ask that you post ahead of time in our guild forums on our website, notify the raid team through the Raid attendance tab in discord, and/or text an officer.
We also expect all raiders to research encounters for raids on off nights and ask questions before hand so we can maximize raid time with more pulls on bosses. Food, Flasks, Pots, Gems, and Enchants are all EXPECTED for each raid.
Raid spots are earned and kept by attendance and raid performance. If you show up consistently, execute your role and do enough damage then you’ll never be sat. If you don’t well then we’ll have to reevaluate your situation.
Being a part of Blood Legacy isn’t just showing up for raid nights tho. We consistently run dungeons, do world quests, and pvp together. Fostering a sense of team takes time, and that starts with being willing to make friends.
We use discord, you’ll want to download that so that you can be in contact with everyone in the guild. We use it for letting people know if you’ll make the raid, hearing news/meetings, or simply just to get to know everyone.
Our Raid times are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7:30 - 10:00 PM (Server Time)
If you have any questions and/or comments, please contact any of our officers:
All Spots are available and open for replacement, so do not hesitate to ask . Again message any of the officers with any questions or add us on Btag Thank you for your interest in the Guild.
Daleros — Athar#1704
Gimz — RumBum#1840
Senix — Kthug#1679
Tkx — Tkx#11579