[H] <Blood for Glory> 3/10H 10/10N WED/THUR 9-12PM Recruiting for SL (6/12M 8.3)

I think i spoke to you already but if not hit me up!

added ya btag, accept NOVVA and we can chat chit

Still looking for more!

We are now pretty full with our Mythic Roster. However we are still accepting socials and potential trials with the right skillset and experience. Hit me up!

A week after launch and it looks like we need to fill some spots after peoples situations have changed! Currently looking for a Holy Paladin!

Good evening. I and a friend are looking for a more involved and higher level of play. We both are frustrated with how casual our current guild is and are looking for a more dedicated guild. I am a 189 disc/holy priest and he is a 193 unholy dk.we both have mythic experience in past raids and looking for a good group to push AOTC and mythic plus. If spots are available I would love to speak more. My bnet: Lokko#11656

Mightmagic#1498 or Mightmagic#7398
197 ilvl Beast mastery Hunter
7/10 Normal - 2/10 Heroic

Currently recruiting for a Holy/Disc Priest and Restoration Druid

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Currently recruiting for a Restoration Druid/Disc Priest

Started Heroic this week!

Have been wondering around in the desert for 40 days, and I stumbled upon this post and it provided me with hope. Keep it up Blood for Glory. Also, we need some new peeps sooo if you are interested hit Luntho and Naruto up. Info is in the post above!

182 Fury War with AotC experience.

Looking for more ranged DPS

Currently looking for Ranged DPS (No Warlocks/Hunters)/Disc Priest

Still looking for more Priests (Disc/Shadow) Also looking for more ranged dps