Liadryn I made a new recruitment thread; don't bump the old one anymore kthx. I'm bumping yours to keep ours together <3
We can't help it *shrug*
We can't help it *shrug*
This thread is slowly turning into my own personal meme channel <3
This thread is slowly turning into my own personal meme channel <3
I wish I raided 5 days/week.
You know you always have a spot next to me in the thick of the melee. Deeply penetrating into the heart of battle. Edging ourselves closer and closer to the victory before finally celebrating in perfectly synced, ecstatic bliss... What was I talking about here again?
Oh right, bump~
Oh right, bump~
Bump because OTK didn't =(
bump so our threads can touch again, almost as close as our hearts do ~
I am interested in joining as a tank if a core raiding spot is available
02/05/2017 08:18 PMPosted by SkeletearI am interested in joining as a tank if a core raiding spot is available
If you're interested, feel free to fill out the application on our website.
Liadryn pls
If only I could be a blood elf paladin...
Wow I saw Liadryn in game in Dalaran last night and we had so much fun that I ended up prematurely blowing my white load from my endothermic blaster Christmas gift all over both of us, and then Liadryn made an egg! True story. Looking for a fun guild? Come app at Blacklisted today!
You're not suppose to kiss and tell!