US Kil'jaeden - Horde
Current Progression: 7/8M Uldir.
Legion Progression: EN CE, ToV CE, NH CE, ToS CE, ABT CE.
Raid Times: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:30 p.m - 12:30 a.m PST
Sunday Alt Raid: 9:30 p.m PST
*Mondays may be added if a progression kill is in sight.*
Recruitment Needs:
Minimum Requirements:
About us:
<Blacklisted> is a semi-hardcore guild residing on US Kil'jaeden. Our guild consists of people of all ages with different raiding backgrounds. Our roots were established back in Siege of Orgrimmar; since then we have become one of the top raiding guilds on the server. <Blacklisted> isn't only just a WoW guild, we are a multi-gaming community with the majority of our members also playing Overwatch, Diablo 3, League of Legends, and CS:GO. We strive on our members' participation, friendliness, and laid-back energy.
What we look for in our raiders:
Required Addons and Programs:
If you are interested, even if your class is not listed, please apply at:
Fill out the application seriously.
If we see that you answer each point with no detail/one sentence, expect your application to be instantly denied.