Would you be up for taking on an UH DK? I just server transferred to check out Kil'Jaeden.
11/20/2016 10:49 AMPosted by AcherianaWould you be up for taking on an UH DK? I just server transferred to check out Kil'Jaeden.
If you're interested, feel free to apply and we will get back to you.
When does Foxy get to play rogue full time?
Foxy has gone full ROGUE. #RipDH #FreeFoxy
Oh fam get me in if/when ndevur finally gkicks me for trolling too much. I'll get you a cheerleading squad np
Status Pro for Blacklisted Cheerleading squad??
Liadryn we just killed Odyn Mythic and are server 3rd; I think you guys should come cheerlead us qt <3
Feelsbadman. Looking for a 95 percentile Mythic EN WITHOUT Legendary cape Ret Paladin?
You always have a spot (in my heart <3).
Technically ndevur put me in charge of recruitment but he disagrees with most everything I do, say, or input anyways so who knows what we're looking for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As Jagd says: "if you are tired of carrying your bottom 15" or something like that... is that even a criteria?
Edit: Except cheerleaders. Definitely need more of those.
Technically ndevur put me in charge of recruitment but he disagrees with most everything I do, say, or input anyways so who knows what we're looking for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As Jagd says: "if you are tired of carrying your bottom 15" or something like that... is that even a criteria?
Edit: Except cheerleaders. Definitely need more of those.
Bump - waiting on my invite for Status Pro
IDK if you are *pauses to review the script* ahem 'carrying your bottom 15 hard enough to earn a spot here in the big leagues of Status Pro (7/7M 1/3M TOV Server 3rd World 420 [sup fam itz lit]).'
I'm so glad i got this recruitment job :3
I'm so glad i got this recruitment job :3
Bump - Mythic Beard Man down
Bump for OtkQT