[H] Blackhand recruiting for Shadowlands

Blackhand (established 2005) is a Horde raiding guild on Malfurion/Trollbane. We are looking for mature players to join our ranks. We are a laid back guild comprised of mostly adults. We have been around for awhile, many members of the guild have been gaming together for more than 14 years.

Raids will be Tue/Thur 8:00pm -10:00pm CST (thats 9:00pm EST) and likely an Alt raid night on Sunday (Time to be determined)

Please send an in game message to myself or any member if you are interested in joining.

Maharoga (bnet Hohiro#1833)

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Feel free to message me as well!

Bnet: thejollymon#1204
Discord: Jolly Mon#5626