Hello Shadow Council / Blackwater Raiders,
You can now find us on the Area 52 server.
Hello Shadow Council / Blackwater Raiders,
You can now find us on the Area 52 server.
Hi! I am looking for a friendly, respectful guild on Shadow Council. Your guild rules sound exactly like what I’m looking for. I am just returning to play after taking a break since MoP. I have a DK and a Shaman who are looking for a new home. I raided during Cata, then switched to mostly bgs and achievements, dungeons, etc. Do you still have room?
Hi, yes we would welcome you into the guild. Msg anyone in the guild and they will direct you to an officer.
Its good to see a good old guild like you guys are still around
I have a guild on Shadow Council, and talking with them, some of us would be definitely interested in doing a joint raid night. Could definitely bring 2 of us, potentially more.
I am very much interested in joining up with you guys.
Send anyone in the guild a message when you are online and they will direct you to an officer.
Bump for Update
Rush in AV now!!!
Sorry flash backs to original pvp
Unfortunately the server population in general, and raiding population on server has drastically decreased over the years making it extremely difficult to maintain a good raiding roster on Shadow Council/Blackwater Raiders anymore.
Light Brigade, one of the oldest aiding guilds on Shadow Council, server transferred to Moon Guard a little under a year ago, and our raiding roster is as good as it’s ever been. Currently 3/9M. If you’re looking to do more raiding, you may want to consider server transferring as well. I hate to say it, but Shadow Council seems dead from a raiding perspective given zero mythic BoD kills on server as of this post.
Hi there. I would be interested in joining your guild. I’ve recently returned to WoW after roughly a two expansion break. My old guild has basically all left/server transferred/etc and I miss having folks to do stuff with. I off-tanked with my old guild through all of WotLK, Cata, some of MoP but I don’t really have time to be a frequent raider anymore. I wouldn’t mind running Mythics with folks and maybe serving as an occassional raid pick-up.
baddies. come on there is NO raiding scene on BWR. NONE. So bad.
BUMP for an awesome guild
I want in! I AM GUD!