<Bizarro> is recruiting skilled and dedicated raiders for 20 man Battle for Azeroth Mythic content. Bizarro was established during Vanilla and has remained one of a small handful of top end raid focused guilds on Khaz'goroth.
(14/11/2018) Current 20man average ilvl: 379
We are currently recruiting any experienced mythic raiders of any class/spec/role given they excel at what they do (currently wanting more top end range dps)
Suitable applicants will be able to demonstrate the following:
- Reliable computer and internet connection
- Availability for all raids
- Raid ready gear (able to do M+ in own time and N/H raids if we are progressing in M) with appropriate enchants, gems and enhancements
- Regular review of guild discord for news and raiding information
- Patience during the trial period while your suitability is tested - you may not get a starting spot in the raid on every night
- Sense of humour and thick skin
Our core 20 man raid week is (all times are server time, AEST + DLS, Sydney):
Wed 7:45 - 11:00pm
Sun 7:45 - 11:00pm
Mon 7:45 - 11:00pm
We also do alt and social raids on other days
For more information message Demin (Demin#1961), Stepx, Pallybot or Pkael in game or via in game mail :3