[H-Barthilas] Raiders LF mythic prog guild

5 raiders LF a mythic guild similar to our experience, we’re all 5/9M.

We have:
Resto/Ele Sham
Shadow/Heal Priest

Please add Kappacino#11476 or Untiemyshoe#1221 if interested!

Thank you.

We are all around 410+ ilvl. We are looking for a place to call home for the foreseeable future. We consider ourselves to be communicative when needed in a raid environment and I would consider us all mature and friendly individuals who are open to criticism of our play. We also understand the necessity of benching players due to certain fight constraints and of course under-performance. We are just looking for a guild where we can call home :slight_smile:

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at Kappacino#11476 or untiemyshoe#1221. We will be open to all our offers. Thank you!

Hey guys would love to have a chat with you! Venture on Barthilas is 4/9M, hoping to be 5/9 tonight. we raid Fridays 7:30-10:30pm and Sundays 6-8pm Servertime.
