[H] <Bad at Mechanics> 5/10M Tues/Wed 8-11pm Server

Bad At Mechanics is recruiting for raiders looking to push CE. The goal in mind is to obtain CE for all future raids. We raid Tues/Wed 8-11pm and are currently 5/10m working on Xymox.

Currently recruiting:

We are looking for like-minded individuals with the same goals.


  • Attendance, we expect you to 100% show up to raid. We understand life happens as long as ample time is provided and noted within the discord this will be fine.

    • Be 15 mins early for the raid. Ready to go with food, flask, oils, etc. Pull at 8pm
    • We do provide food and flask, but also prepared with your own just in case.
  • Understand that for our Mythic raid spots are competitive. If you are underperforming, we will talk with you in order to try to bring you up to speed.

  • Make sure you are keeping up with current content.

    • Having/Working on KSM to obtain targeted gear
    • Check logs, fix your mistakes, take constructive criticism, and don’t take things personally.

We also have a heroic team that runs Thurs/Fri 8-11pm, This team is growing and a has room to spare, all specs and roles welcome.

Apply: h ttps://forms.gle/t7CQiSiyDVfFkXyNA
Contact info:

  • Btag: Dommie#1713
  • Disc: Dommie#7627


  • Btag: Kahalmite#1272
  • Disc: Kahlamite#4125
