Bad At Mechanics is recruiting for raiders looking to push CE. The goal in mind is to obtain CE for all future raids. We raid Tues/Wed 8-11pm and are currently 5/10m working on Xymox.
Currently recruiting:
We are looking for like-minded individuals with the same goals.
Attendance, we expect you to 100% show up to raid. We understand life happens as long as ample time is provided and noted within the discord this will be fine.
- Be 15 mins early for the raid. Ready to go with food, flask, oils, etc. Pull at 8pm
- We do provide food and flask, but also prepared with your own just in case.
Understand that for our Mythic raid spots are competitive. If you are underperforming, we will talk with you in order to try to bring you up to speed.
Make sure you are keeping up with current content.
- Having/Working on KSM to obtain targeted gear
- Check logs, fix your mistakes, take constructive criticism, and don’t take things personally.
We also have a heroic team that runs Thurs/Fri 8-11pm, This team is growing and a has room to spare, all specs and roles welcome.
Apply: h ttps://
Contact info:
- Btag: Dommie#1713
- Disc: Dommie#7627
- Btag: Kahalmite#1272
- Disc: Kahlamite#4125