Avenoir is a newly formed guild Horde side on WyrmrestAccord, looking to bolster it’s ranks for raiding and M+ in Shadowlands. Our members are veteran players and have AOTC for Nya’lotha. Currently we are in need of all roles for raid. Our focus is to casually progress heroic raiding content and achieve all timed M+15 dungeons each tier, making sure our members are included in this content if that is their goal. We would like to form a close knit community with our members so that we can grow and be successful.
Raid times:
Currently looking at Friday evenings with a start time of 5/8pm PST/EST (most of our members are CT/EST right now).
What we need:
Heals - Looking for Resto Druid or Holy Pally, but all classes considered
DPS - Mage, S.Priest or other! Looking for someone to be flexible to be a back-up healer/tank spec/character (not required, but appreciated!)
Who to contact:
GM: Onatah-WyrmrestAccord // NoriLynore#4936 (Discord) // NoriLynore#1234 (battletag)
Raid Lead: Soulprison-WyrmrestAccord // Alone#1280 (battletag)
Officer: Bohaî-WyrmrestAccord // jfro#1674 (battletag)