Ashen Wolf Clan is recruiting ALL LEVELS!! (update from the original post)
Our brief backstory: Orok’s family had a very close tie to the Warsong Clan, but after seeing how violent they can become, Orok’s father decided to defect and take his family and any who were willing to stand with him and venture into the Barrens of Kalimdor. The newfound Clan built on peace was unarmed and hungry and decided to stop to relax. The humans of Fort Triumph in the Southern Barrens arrived and threatened and attacked the unarmed orcs for no reason. A band of Tauren rescued Orok and his family and brought them to Thunder Bluff to recover. Orok’s father later died from the injuries, leaving him in charge. Bent on a warpath of revenge, yet staying true to his father’s belief on Honor, Orok leads forth the Ashen Wolf Clan who protects all states of Kalimdor like members of its pack and bares its fangs against any who would do her residents harm. (any further questions, you may message me in game or here and I can give you further detail)
Guild Mount: Garn Nighthowl
What the “Ashen” in our name stands for: The “ashen” in our name carries a heavy burden. It can be whatever you wish it to be. It can represent the ashes of the fallen, both family and friend, who have gotten us to this point of war and our tribute to making things right. It could represent the burning of our past and the sacrifices we made, only to become something more and part of a greater cause. It can even take a darker tone of the returning to ash of the enemies of the Horde and those who stand against our will and protection of our homes. The Ashen in our name is up to you to formulate, however, the ashes you have are spread amongst the ashes of others in your pack. We share your same pain and rage. We are family.
Races allowed: All horde races are allowed now. Originally it was just orc, tauren, goblin, and troll. Below are the reasons for the new additions.
Reason for Undead: With the fall of Undercity, the Forsaken have been relocated to Orgrimmar where they are refugees within the city walls. With their home gone, they now have a new one to fight for. Our banner can give them that fire to keep fighting on for their new home, especially being so close to the Dark Lady themselves. Forsaken brothers and sisters in- arms, we mourn the loss of your city, but we will fight alongside you for this temporary one.
Reason for Blood Elf: With Undercity fallen, the Alliance has two options; an attack on Silvermoon City or to strike the Horde at its core in Orgrimmar and eliminate Sylvanas. With that option, Lor’themar has no choice to but to lend some of his finest elven combatants to help defend the Kalimdor front, only to return home when beckoned. These soldiers have been lended to the Ashen Wolf Clan to strengthen the numbers around Sylvanas, in hopes that this new Clan will support Silvermoon City should the Alliance arrive at their gates.
Reason for Nightborne, Highmountain, and Mag’har: Orgrimmar welcomed these individuals in with open arms. Those who wish to give their lives for Sylvanas may do so willingly under our banner. We shed our blood for you and your people, will you do the same for us?
Reason for Pandaren: The Huojin were brought into the Horde because of their ideals. To them, inaction in the face of adversity will always be the greatest injustice. That philosophy stands strong with the Ashen Wolf. We have alot to learn from the Huojin and what they believe in. If you are willing to teach us, we are willing to lend our support.
Again, if you have any questions, I am open in game for more of a chat, this is just a brief idea for you as to what we stand for and who is allowed to join us. Thank you for your time! For Gadar (Orok’s father)! For the Ashen Wolf! For the Horde!