Two players looking for a new 25 guild (currently 10man but roster time doesn’t fit)
The shaman and druid are one person and the hpally is in the middle leveling a hunter
Shaman is 353 ele and can Resto when needed
Boomy is 352 and 348 feral tank (can swap feral to Resto also if that works better)
Hpally is 357 as of this morning
Also adding an spriest and hunter to this list (still the same two people)
Both are west Aussies and would rather raid in the same team as both were raiding together in retail cata.
Mid week raids after 8pm svt fits best as one has a child and the other has work commitments
Both cleared current content 10man normals but looking to slot into a normal guild progressing into heroic 25 with splits if possible
Hit me up here or in game tonight on happyfeet#1244 and we can have a chat