Afternoon gents, I am sure many of you are tired of PUGs going in for one boss and leaving or guildies who never end up not showing/being late on raid night which ultimately holds up your progression, we all are. With that being said, is looking for core members to progress through the next raid tier and we are looking to be on the competitive side of raiding and aspiring to reach top 100
We are looking to fill our core group with individuals who are like minded. People understand that wipes will happen, and will NOT get discouraged. Mythic Raiding is made to stress guilds, we just have to push through it together, cook another Feast/drink another Flask and keep pushing!
We are looking for 1 Healer and 7 DPS for our 20 man roster. We are recruiting for the realms Drak’Tharon, Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare, Spirestone, and Stormscale
Raid Times Sun/Tues/Thurs 11:30pm EST
Type of players we are looking for.
Like minded players who want to play and work towards server and perhaps world first achievements.
Individuals that are mature enough to take constructive criticism and not get butthurt. As a guild we can only be as good as our weakest member.
People who can take a joke and not be easily offended. If you’re old enough to be ashamed of your search history then you should not be getting mad over jokes or sarcasm XD
Able to attend to 90% of the raids. I understand life happens but at least let us know in a timely manner if possible. You are a key member in the raid for a reason!
If the shoe fits then wear it, you can contact me through Discord/Battlenet with any questions if you have any or if you’re interested in joining.
Discord handle- OMGitzagirl#6171 / Battlenet ID OMGitsa#1823
Along with the add if you could have these questions answered it would be wonderful
•Have long have you been playing WoW?
•Do you have any experience in PvE if any? If not that’s totally fine I assure you
•What class do you play and would you be DPS/Heals?
• Your progression and ilvl?(We do not mind gearing you if you need help, as long as its not absurd)
•And finally, what type of player would you consider yourself? (Optional)