[H] Arthas <Im About To Say It> 8/10M LF 1 Hpal and a few ranged dps

<I’m About To Say It>
Currently 10/10H 8/10Mythic,we have very dedicated players from decent guilds prior to Shadowlands. With our current roster we expect to have a few players on the bench per boss as our roster will consist of more then 20 players.
If you are interested in this type of raiding please apply below.

Chains of Domination Hours (9.1.0)

Tuesday 8p.m. - 11:00p.m. Est

Wednesday 8p.m. - 11:00p.m. Est

Thursday 8p.m. -11:00p.m. Est

To apply here please use:
The form linked in our wowprogress or contact us via Btag below.
Even if your class is not listed above but you feel exceptional at your class please drop an application in.

For more information message Luna, Wazzu, Fury, or one of Coffee’s 30 toons.


5/10M Looking to prog on Smith soon.

LF a Hpal for 5/10mythic trial asap.

2% Wipe tonight. LF Hpal and a few ranged dps to trial.

Recruiting a Hpal and a few Ranged dps for prog/bench.